
wings and things

A better life?

on June 19, 2012

Today has been eventful.

A lovely place has been found for Arthur (see previous post) and he will be leaving in a day or so. Ming (Son) has told him the hut is no longer safe and we have to have it inspected for wiring (which we do).

One of the guinnea fowl was cowering in the corner of the emus’ lean-to, so Ming helped her get out. I think she wants somewhere safe to lay eggs, so here we go again!

Ming and I went out for lunch despite suffering from gastro. We had to go because it was a promise we made yesterday when we had our long discussion. I had chilli prawns and now feel amazingly better!

Anthony got angry on the phone this morning (first time ever) and said he was hurt (first time ever) that he couldn’t come home for the night so I have arranged to pick him up for the day tomorrow. His uncharacteristic upsetness has cast a shadow on today, but tomorrow will be better.

I have nearly caught up with the washing and folding of clothes.

Ming is a happy chappy.

I am too but I seem to have this spare water balloon full of tears that keeps landing in front of me, making me afraid to smile, or take the next step.

Ming said he read the post about him on Facebook and hated it but then he grinned.

One of my two PhD students has finished and submitted his thesis.

Anthony just asked me on the phone (I ring him several times a day when I can’t get in to see him) if I still loved him and I said yes.

During lunch, Ming said we were not to talk about Anthony so we didn’t.

The ute is making a funny sound.

I had a dream last night that I was having an argument with someone and a hippopotamus squashed her.

The main car’s side mirrors are smashed and I still haven’t rung the insurance company.

Nearly all of the young peacocks now have long feathers.

Wild galahs and 28s are everywhere.

There is a rat in the washhouse which only Ming has seen, so I need his company to do the washing.

I have a mother who is a best friend.

The electricity has not gone off now for a couple of days.

I have resigned from my job at the university.

I will never, ever wish for a different life.

I will never, ever wish for a better life.

This is a better life – this is the best life.

47 responses to “A better life?

  1. You’ve certainly had an eventful day – you made ours, still laughing at the vision of the hippo squishing your adversary. Great that Arthur has a new home.

  2. 2me4art says:

    Tears are rolling in for me. Sweet. My 16 year old told me, I’m very unwell’ & she told me she just wants to go away from me. I understand 16 s when you are supposed to shine. It’s ironic because her last name is Diamond, & my health dulls her. Forgive me. I hate guilt. – amy

    • jmgoyder says:

      Oh I am so sorry – I think you have amazing uppishness and courage and, no matter what your daughter says now, she is a teen and she is a diamond just like you. Thinking of you and hoping for the best for you and now I’m teary too!

  3. Can I hire out your hippo? Love your stream of consciousness post today – our lives are full and complicated, hard and wonderful aren’t they?

  4. shoreacres says:

    It does sound like you all found a good way around things for Arthur. And as your list rolled on, I thought, “Isn’t that just like life. It truly is just one d*** thing after another”.

    In a way, your plight reminds me of the story we’ve lived out in my town over the past months. I’ll be writing about it, but here’s the very condensed story: a road project meant a hundred year old oak, planted by a town founder, had to go. Some said cut it, some said build around it, others said move it.

    After months, “move it” won. It took nearly $200,000 (no tax money involved!), a company from California and the donation of some land. It worked. Watching the process was amazing, but that huge tree got picked up, moved, and now it’s living in a new place, looking darned good. In a year we’ll know if it will survive – but the point is, we did the best we could for it. And now it has a chance. A pile of firewood never would have a chance to do anything but burn. 😉

  5. Wow all that in just one day, life is great, keep thinking that way, not knowing what is coming next is part of the experience

  6. Judith Post says:

    Life is such a jumble, isn’t it? I think about that sometimes. The things that frustrate me the most are often the things that bring me the most joy. Would I change things if I could? Not really. Would I have chosen them if given the choice? No way. Glad we don’t know our destinies or what the future holds, while at the moment, I shake my fists at the heavens.
    Keep eating chili prawns with a glass of white wine. Your son’s right. You need the good moments to gird your loins.

  7. tootlepedal says:

    Good dream, good post. Give your readers’ regards to your boy.

  8. janechese says:

    You rock, girl!

  9. terry1954 says:

    i always wonder……… there a lot of care for these wonderful animals, or just mainly food and love?

  10. Life is like a rollercoaster.

  11. niasunset says:

    This photograph is so nice… especially her feathers…

    I am so glad to hear the news about Arthur… Thank you dear Julie, have a nice day for you all, love you, nia

  12. Robyn Lee says:

    Oh gosh Julie… a roller coaster of emotions here for me ~ and I am sure for you. To never wish for a better life ~~ gave me pause. Sometimes I go there an usually squash the notion quickly. I try to think of it as ‘my story’ and hope it was written this way for a bigger reason… and accept. It is difficult as heck to do though. Gosh did not know you had a bug (gastro?)… please remember to nurture yourself. You are embracing all the emotions – I can tell by this post..that is the way to manage them. I need to take lessons as I stuff mine more than not. You are a wonderful role model and friend Julie — keep strong and find the smiles — I know you will. xo

    • jmgoyder says:

      It is all very well for me not to wish for a better life but for you, who are suffering physically, it must sound trite. I think you are amazing!

      • Robyn Lee says:

        Life is hard sometimes… just lost a dear friend, one of the few who really did understand my plight. Thank you Julie – I think you and Susan would have loved each other ~ just did a tribute post for her 😦 Sending Love ~

      • jmgoyder says:

        Oh I am so sorry.

  13. My day was definitely not as eventful. I’m glad that Arthur has a new home, though!!!

  14. Rhonda says:

    julie, you add so much to my day! i can’t tell you. i never know HOW i’m going to feel when i read your beauty on the page…and that’s just silly because i feel everything. the hippo was priceless, ming is priceless, you are priceless. i’m happy for arthur too. dearest anthony is always in my prayers…and i know you empathize with his anger and hurt, however brief it may be. there is no way to end this…it’s as on going as your stories and as anticipated as the road we all walk everyday, waiting to see what’s ’round the next bend. blessings

  15. Fergiemoto says:

    I love your last line!
    (Hippopotamus squashed her? That’s a new one for me)

  16. This is so poignant. As I nurse, I worked with Parkinson’s for many years and can attest that it’s a process that is painful for everyone involved. I pray it will ease up for you, your son and Anthony. No advice I can give that will make it easier except to know that mood swings are normal, an expression of frustration, I suppose, at being a prisoner in one’s own body. You are a special lady. The ending of this post teaches more than you could ever teach at a University.

  17. claudia koelndorfer says:

    hello. i love reading your daily stories you write very well i feel like i am right there with you because i can picture all you say. behind your humor i do get a sense of your sometime (most time?) frustration, sadness, anger, which are all normal feelings. As Malcolm Frazier said “life wasn’t meant to be easy” and it isn’t not all of the time, but people like yourself are an insperation to others who may be feeling that life just isn’t fair.

  18. jalamdar says:

    Dear Julie,

    Thank you for writing your blog. My 19 yo daughter is going through a rough time atm and we have talked about making choices that have mostly creative reasons behind them as opposed to choices motivated by fear. So last night I began reading out loud to her again from a book of fables called “Outfoxing Fear” and she was amazed at how some of the fables matched her situation. I told her that stories are important because they tell us how to live our lives and why…..your blog is a story Julie, it’s honesty tells us how to live our lives and why.

    Proud to be your colleague.


  19. Are you sure it was a hippo and not Wonderbutt?

  20. dcwisdom says:

    You did WHAT? You resigned your job? Shoot! I was wanting to be your next online student! Are chilli prawns the same as shrimp cocktail? That sounds good at the moment.
    You are wise – life is what you make it.

  21. bluebee says:

    Hippopotamus! 😀

  22. “I will never, ever wish for a different life.

    I will never, ever wish for a better life.

    This is a better life – this is the best life.”

    Words I will try to live by. Thanks for the great update.

  23. Lovely post! Love your opponent sitting Hippo. Was feeling a little jealous over it, but realized just the thought of a hippo sitting on a couple of people cheered me no end. Very convenient to use. And portable too! Much thanks. Still grinning…

  24. Well, I’m sure glad you still love Anthony. Just saying…………..

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