
wings and things

Stomach bug

After my happiness post I was struck with an awful gastric attack, shivery, melty fever, unquenchable thirst, and aches so have been in bed for over 24 hours. Good intentions of replying to comments and commenting on other blogs went down the loo.



I think feeling happy is a bit different to being happy. Maybe this is because when you simply are happy (because your bank account, love-life, health, job, family and friends etc. are all okay) you don’t notice the happiness; you don’t appreciate it. But when you feel happy, you are noticing the fragile edges, blossoms, and sunsets of whatever happiness is and you are learning how to create it day by day by day.

Today, my happiness was hugging my baby peacock, having lunch at an Indian restaurant with my friend/niece, Jane, buying baking utensils for my new cooking phase, watching TV with Anthony in the nursing lodge whilst giving him the last of the sticky date pudding with lots of thickened cream, knowing my ma will be home soon from Scotland, riding my bike, watching ‘Undercover Boss’ with Ming, and looking forward to tomorrow’s unfolding.

pea 461


Food, glorious food

I have rediscovered cooking! Yesterday it was sticky date pudding. I don’t like sweets myself but Anthony and Ming are ecstatic and I am thrilled about this new chapter in our lives.


Ants. Ming and I are sticky-date-pudding ourselves together again.


Ming’s shed

Ming and I don’t argue anymore now that he is living in the shed. This is good. If I irritate him, he can go to his shed; if he irritates me, I can send him to his shed.

The shed/home was Anthony’s conception over two years ago and he still gets a thrill out of seeing its very gradual progression from old shed to teenage abode. At the moment the floor is still concrete and there are no blinds to keep the sun out, but Ming has just ordered both and paid half (he is working full-time now).

He doesn’t have ablutions over there, or cooking facilities, so he still has to come home a lot (ha – I still have the power at a distance of 50 metres!)




Congratulations Ashtyn and Gordon!



The rats didn’t do it

I have to be really quick because internet keeps cutting out. Apparently there is a phone line fault in the area. So it’s not the rats in the ceiling. I won’t post again until all is fixed – too frustrating and every time I go to comment on a post it cuts out.


Today in the nursing lodge



The rats

All afternoon the phone and Internet have been behaving badly – doing that on/off thing. I am on my IPad now but we are still mere acquaintances, and Zelda is a little nervous since she did witness me destroying her virus-ridden predecessor, a mini-Toshiba laptop. (I threw it on the cement outside and jumped on it a few times – very satisfying.)

My main computer is back having a new keyboard installed to match its new hard drive and CD drive. According to the man fixing it, it will be as good as new in a few days. Good, because Zelda is difficult to type on.

Anyway the purpose of this post is to tell you my hypothesis as to why the phone and Internet have become dodgy. The rats that frolic all night long in the ceiling have eaten the wiring.

If you don’t hear from me for a few days, that is why. And if you never hear from me again, it may be because the rats have eaten me too.

It’s okay – I’ll be back.


Knife mishap

imageThe other day I cut the tip of my thumb off just above the nail. I was cutting up potatoes and the scanpan knife slipped. I hadn’t used it before so didn’t realize how sharp. The blood frightened the hell out of me and I ran, whimpering and bleeding, to Ming’s shed. He kindly attended to the wound with about ten bandaids but it bled for over an hour.

Two days later, when I was with Anthony at the nursing lodge, the nurse in charge was kind enough to dress my thumb properly and now the missing bit (which has never been found) has nearly grown back – amazing!


Just in case

Internet keeps cutting out. Telephone isn’t working either. Stormy weather!