
wings and things

When I die …

on November 7, 2023

When I die, which of course, I will,

I want my family and friends to know

that I did my best,

that laughter, kindness and generosity

were attributes my family – my extended family – gave me.

When I die, which of course I will,

I will be able to, once again, hug my father, and my husband, and, now,

my brother.





When I die, which of course I will,

I think I might just say

Thank you.

8 responses to “When I die …

  1. Judy says:

    You miss them all so much!! It’s a lonely road until you reach their destination.
    Sending you big hugs, Julie.

  2. Rhonda says:

    I’m so sorry Jules. The cost of all we love of them, gain from them, our most cherished memories, is the loss of them. The reward is what’s left. When the time comes, the world we leave behind will shine a little brighter in the light of our smiles when we get those hugs. Love you

  3. Such a moving and lovely post

  4. So much loss, Joy. My heart hurts for yours. But I don’t believe this is the ending; but rather, only the beginning. xo

  5. Tracy Abell says:

    Beautiful. I’m very sorry for your losses.

  6. Julia Avery says:

    Wise words.

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