
wings and things

Grandma: Setting a precedent

My mother, Meg, mother to three of us, grandmother to 11 of us, great-grandmother to 12 of us, is amazing in more ways than one!

My mother, Meg, has given each of us a carefully crafted scrapbooks, with photos and quotes and anecdotes, as soon as each of us turned 50. Not only that, my mother has also done the same thing for each of her grandchildren once they turn 21. The final recipients (twins) will receive their scrapbooks very soon.

I did try to help the other day, but my mother’s house was awash with a mess of photos, stickers, glue, oh, even double-sided sticky tape which I didn’t even understand until my mother, Meg, showed me how. Ghastly experience in every way except for the fact that I helped my mother, Meg, ensure that all of the millions of offspring etc. were included in the twins’ scrapbooks.

Okay so back to setting a precedent: As a new grandma, I will never be as good as Meg is, but I’ll try. And what is the point of this post?