
wings and things

Rooster rage 2

on September 13, 2012

Hurray. Tina Turner is now scared of me!!! Look at him trying to hide here in a little corner. What a coward. I didn’t even need to point the hose at him today. I win.

Interestingly, the other roosters are now refusing to let him bully them any longer too!

36 responses to “Rooster rage 2

  1. camsgranny says:

    I think he was scared of that dinner invatation…..:)

  2. woo hoo! Who da man now eh?

  3. ltpen315 says:

    Bully!! Just kidding!! I’m glad you won, but, poor Tina…noone wants to play with him(?).

  4. You busted his chicken testicles, Jules.

  5. Good on you winning…………….

  6. Great. Now I feel sorry for the little guy.

  7. You win, but he gets to keep the amazing hair.

  8. hugr5 says:

    You named a ROOSTER Tina Turner? ! :0D What a hoot! I needed a laugh tonight, and you just gave me one! THANKS!

  9. Judith Post says:

    Hooray for female power….and hoses!

  10. diannegray says:

    You win! Woo hoo!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  11. He knew he’d better run! Don’t mess with our Jules you fool!

  12. I’m so glad he’s not in the stew pot.

  13. YAY – he is far too beautiful to be tasty.

  14. victoriaaphotography says:

    I don’t feel sorry for Tina Turner in the least.

    Getting an infected leg from his bites is not a pleasant situation.

    (I still say “off with his head” – threaten Tina with that warning and I’m sure he’ll start to behave even more).

  15. Finn Holding says:

    That’s a very cunning solution. Result!

    It would have a real shame if you had to roast him, he’s a magnificent bird.

  16. My cat pees on things and he is still alive – but he has not wounded me — Ike oops I mean Tina is lucky to be alive

  17. Lisa Boles says:

    I remember when I was in 2nd grade being chased and pecked at by a rooster. Some of my friends made fun of me but that sucker hurt my leg! It was nowhere near as bad as your experience, and I hope you heal quickly. Maybe instead if lugging a long hose around you could switch to being armed with a Super Soaker for protection against Tina Turner. : )

    btw, thanks for liking my post. You were the first visitor that wasn’t a family member or close friend!!

  18. viveka says:

    I have been chased by an angry swan and a couple of upset turkeys – but never a rooster, but I’m not that often around them – glad he knows his place, but I still feel about sorry for him – for the choice of name. There is a limit what a man can take. *smile

    • jmgoyder says:

      Yes but he was a baby when I got him so I thought he was a girl – hehe! Chased by a swan? Now that sounds like a very good story!

      • viveka says:

        It was not .. great story at all .. my dog, Lilleman (Little Man) – was a puppy and we where walking in big park in Gothenburg – suddenly this swan just come running after us and he was making very angry sounds. Had to take the puppy under my arm and run .. the swan was after me for a good while.

      • jmgoyder says:

        Oh sorry – that sounds terrible!

      • viveka says:

        Nothing to be sorry about – but I don’t trust a swan after that – very aware what they are up to around me. And it was a single swan too – no other swan there if it was all about protection. I was really scared at the time, mostly for my puppy.

  19. Rhonda says:

    now that tina knows he could be rolling down the river at any moment, he may behave! rascal!

  20. Trisha says:

    LOL!!! I’m glad that bully has been put in his place after what he did to your leg.

  21. I still think you should make coq au vin with Tina. Now that he knows what blood tastes like, he may want to get some more when you least expect it.

  22. bulldogsturf says:

    Well done you won or did he read I mentioned the pot.??

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