
wings and things

Go to bed!

on March 4, 2014

They go to bed (in their yard) but then they come back out again, and they do it over an over again – argh! Ming was never this difficult when he was a baby – mmmm. The problem is that they hear my voice and assume I have bread or lettuce (which I don’t always have). Freckle, Misha and Michael Jackson seem to want to eat my feet off. Funny – yes, scary, yes! Okay, I am going out now to put them to bed and, if you never hear from me again, it will be due to a duck drama! Oh and now Baby Turkey is stuck on the wrong side of the fence – great!






41 responses to “Go to bed!

  1. Ha ha ha, what an unruly mob you have!

  2. Julie….Julie…JULIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bad ducks must have got her…..

  3. mimijk says:

    A mommy’s work is never done – even a surrogate one!!

  4. LOL — they definitely have personalities and challenges. Love you and your birds!

  5. bulldog says:

    Time for some discipline on the farm… although how you do that don’t ask me… lol

  6. Time to threaten them with becoming the downy fill to a bed pillow LOL (they don’t need to know you would NEVER do that) . I so enjoy your relating their antics and the photos show how quickly they are growing…their life is good thanks to you Jules. Love and {{{Hugs}}} my dear one. God bless

  7. Judy says:

    Sounds like a lot of “fowl play” to me.

  8. WHo knew that ducks and turkeys could be so entertaining. 😀

  9. Trisha says:

    Trying to wrangle that unruly bunch must be quite the ordeal!

  10. FlaHam says:

    Julie, You need to learn to WHISPER!!! We do not want duck drama. We do not need duck drama. We are fine without it LOL. I will be perfectly honest, I am glad it’s you and not me. Take care Queen of the Flock! Have a great day, be safe. Bill

  11. Tiny says:

    What a lovely bunch 🙂

  12. Colline says:

    They do look beautiful though Julie 🙂

  13. tootlepedal says:

    I am glad that you are not ducking your responsibilities.

  14. But they love you,can birds love people, ok I don’t know but it sounds good

  15. Terry says:

    I can see the newspaper headlines now,,,,,,,Woman pecked by hungry birds!!!!!!!!

  16. Lynda says:

    Duck, Duck, GOOSE!
    I love that Godfrey!

  17. Rhonda says:

    You have your own little Duck Dynasty Jules!

  18. What a hoot! I’d love to have a few geese running around. They always remind me of being in the French countryside.

  19. Judith Post says:

    You need a border collie:) When my dad raised chickens and let them out to scratch in our garden, our border collie kept herding them back into their yard. We’d have to keep Lady in the house to let the chickens run free for a while.

  20. viveka says:

    I can hear the a noisy bed going … Fantastic shots, Julie

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