
wings and things

The squish-bump-happy of nostalgia … and now!

on October 23, 2014

I have become an artist! Yes, I have sacrificed my loathing of glue, textas and cardboard to create this book for Meg.

Each page of our mother’s 80th birthday book is covered in smudges, ink lines, childish coloring in of edges (me) grandchildren’s quotes, stark photos, and the gooey glue of love.

I got the book bound last week then thought of other stuff to include – argh!

One of the most beautiful and poignant off-shoots of this ‘project’ is to read and re-read our mother’s journal of our childhood. The humor and hilarity is contagious and the love of a mother and grandmother and great-grandmother is oceanic, a purring, imperfect, enormous wave!

Okay, back to the glue~

25 responses to “The squish-bump-happy of nostalgia … and now!

  1. bulldog says:

    The fact it is hand made will add just so much to the gift…. wonderful

  2. It’s going to be beautiful….it’s been a real labor of love… Diane

  3. Judy says:

    There’s a metaphor here – your mom is the “glue” for the family. That’s why everyone is sticking together! (I guess I found a pun after all). Wish I could see that scrapbook – it sounds lovely.

  4. susanpoozan says:

    Such a very good idea, well done for making an unique record of your mum’s life so far.

  5. Brilliant gift Julie, brilliant. I hope we get to see a picture of the great gift after she gets it!!!

  6. I love your way with words–you are truly a good writer which sometimes we take for granted

  7. What a wonderful celebration of a wonderful person’s life! I’m sure all will savor your efforts. Hope you are feeling better!

  8. Rhonda says:

    A Treasure!! 🙂

  9. Trisha says:

    It’s so wonderful of you to put aside your loathing of glue to create this for your mother! I understand the sacrifice. I also loathe glue and all the crafty scraps needed for paper projects. Your mother is going to love it!

  10. Terry says:

    What a great idea!! You can have loads of fun with this

  11. tootlepedal says:

    I like the idea of glue and scissors in this digital age. It makes the book more personal.

  12. What a beautiful project and gift Jules 🙂

  13. such a wonderful gift, Julie. I made a video for my parents’ 50th a year or so ago and it was really fun to take a “walk down memory lane” during its compilation. I’m sure your mom will LOVE her book…

  14. Lynda says:

    Been traveling back in time, and antsy for pictures, Julie! But then, if you posted the pictures there wouldn’t be a surprise for the 80th, would there? LOL! Love what you’re doing!

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