
wings and things

The elusive parrot

on January 3, 2015


I bet you can’t even see him! Every morning I wake up and through my bedroom window I see these guys all over the giant pear tree but as soon as I venture outside with my camera they hide!

I’ve never seen this variety of parrot here before but then again my observation skills are not well honed and it may be that I have mistaken this breed of parrot for the very common ‘Twenty-eight’ parrot. Here is a link to information about the 28

Unlike the 28, this elusive parrot is multi-coloured – greeny blue at first glance but with an underside of red, yellow and sometimes a red cap – absolutely beautiful! I’m going to keep on trying to get a decent photo but it is difficult to see them in amongst the pears.


It feels like a bit of an adventure to me – figuring out what kind of parrot this is, and training myself in the art of observation (and getting up early again, early-bird-catches-worm and all that!)

Once upon a time I would have been shocked at the idea of bird-watching, picking flowers, noticing the sunset, growing tomatoes (okay well I grew two before they died), cooking a curry from scratch, listening to music without doing something else at the same time. I would have thought what a waste of time! But now all the wing flits, the snow of wattle blossoms on the lawn, the aroma of a simmering curry, and the constant squawking of the crows, peacocks and this elusive parrot – all of of this life stuff, simple, small, daily details – makes me appreciate every single moment I have left with Anthony.

35 responses to “The elusive parrot

  1. Trisha says:

    They would be hard to see since they’re about the same colors as the pears! I hope you are able to charm them down for photos. Being a birdwatcher myself, I would love to see them. The only parrots we see here are in the pet store.

  2. Tiny says:

    Loved this post, Julie. Beauty grounded in simple appreciation of life. You’ll get a great shot of the parrots, you’ll see!

  3. Anonymous says:

    You have more time with Ants in the nursing home to observe and try out new things I think

  4. I thought I saw him at the bottom left of the first picture, but I’m not sure. Wonderful pear tree!

  5. You’re right. I can’t see the parrot! But your words paint a beautiful picture Julie. ❤
    Diana xo

  6. bulldog says:

    Part of the enjoyment of bird photography is outwitting the bird… or the sneak and creep as I call it…. many of the birds I photograph I have to outwit, and that does make the times of quiet and solitude more of a thinking time… while creeping up on my subject I have often spotted something that amazes me, almost to the point I forget the subject of the creep….

  7. We all would benefit from taking time to enjoy each day… for what it brings into our lives… Diane

  8. Vicki says:

    I zoomed in as far as I could go, but can’t see the tail to be sure, Julie.

    Looks a bit like an Australian Ringneck which has a greyish/black hood – is that what you mean by a ‘twenty-eight’ parrot. No red cap according to my Australian Bird Guide.

    If it is this parrot, they’re not found on the east coast. Can you zoom in with your camera and try to get a pic showing his tail colour? Often male and female birds are different colours and then……..there’s the ‘hybrids’ which seem to be a mix of two birds.

    (Methinks you’re learning to live Mindfully which begins when you focus on whatever is happening at this very moment, instead of thinking about the past or the future e.g. when you smell the roses, you actually smell them and take in all that they are, instead of having a quick whiff before you go indoors to do the chores. Living Mindfully each day means appreciating every Moment, not worrying about the future. This is especially helpful when spending time with Anthony).

    • jmgoyder says:

      You are the most fantastic friend, Vicki – you seem to have instinctual observation skills that I lack (in both visual and philosophical ways) and you have given me so much support and wisdom via blogging and for that I thank you so much!
      I will try to get a better photo tomorrow because these parrots are definitely not 28s. What you say about living mindfully and appreciating the Moments makes total sense to me now whereas it wouldn’t have even a year ago. Thank you so much.

      • Vicki says:

        You’re welcome Julie.

        I know many people (including me in the past) feels that unless you’re in their shoes, that you don’t know what it feels like in certain situations, but there are universal truths or empathy/compassion that covers all situations.

        Now I’m keenly awaiting a close-up bird shot from Mrs Goyder, so I mustn’t hold her up or she’ll never get around to it. Vicki xo

  9. couldn’t see them but you have magnificent pears from the looks of things. Now what can you make from them? its the simple things in life that we often unappreciated but its good that Anthony’s illness is letting you see another side to life.

  10. susanpoozan says:

    I loved your comments about the small things of life, they are so important.

  11. I will take your word for it that there is a bird in that tree as I for sure can’t see one

  12. This exercise in parrot searching reminds me of my 10 day stay in Costa Rica years ago when I was with other group members who were avid bird watchers on a boat sight seeing tour and they were constantly tapping my arm saying “look over at the blah blah blah!” I could never find the blah blah blah so they would spend far too many minutes trying to get me to see the blah blah blah and finally I would end up saying “ohhh yea there is the blah blah blah” even though I hadn’t seen the blah blah blah. I still can’t see the parrot lol My powers of observation truly stink! 😀

  13. You are a wonder 🙂

  14. cecilia says:

    I hope you have a dehydrator, that is a powerful lot of pears! Now I have pear envy. c

  15. I “think” I saw him, top picture, in the middle! I didn’t want to “zoom” in ….I liked your words telling me about him anyway.

  16. tootlepedal says:

    I could spot the parrot in the top picture but the other two had me defeated. Keep trying for that killer picture.

  17. I see the pretty fellow up top, but none other.

  18. Rhonda says:

    I see him in the first picture and he’s a beaut! In the second picture, I am amazed at how big and beautiful those pears are! Wow. Couldn’t get the third picture to enlarge, so if he’s there, I missed him. I’m with you though Jules…the sights and sounds and smells that we tend to take for granted, can become the things we remember best as well as the best reminders of what we love the most. xoxoxo

  19. janeslog says:

    Birdwatching is great. You would be best to consult a good bird book. In Australia it is ‘Birds of Australia: Seventh Edition (Princeton Field Guides)’ in the UK it is ‘Collins Bird Guide’.

    Then get a good pair of binoculars made in Europe by Zeiss, Leica or Swarovski. Mine are Zeiss Victory10x32 T FL ones which are nice and light.

    You will love watching the birds and learn so much about them.

  20. My Heartsong says:

    This is a new take on the “twelve days of Christmas.” and a bird version of “where’s Elmo” I had the flu so spent a lot of time sleeping and really appreciated “the moments” throughout Christmas and New Years.. All the best to you and your family in 2015. 🙂

  21. Oh Julie,
    what a beautiful post. can’t see the parrots, but can smell the curry……enjoy each moment.

  22. I love watching and photographing birds. It is a bit time consuming though, but very fulfilling when that perfect shot is captured.

  23. Judith Post says:

    I love watching my bird feeders. And I love cooking. My daughters tease me that when I’m old and senile, they’re going to attach fake birds to a crank device and say, “Look, Mom! There’s a cardinal over there. Oh, look, Mom! There’s a blue jay on that side.” I’d probably be completely happy and occupied:) So enjoy your simple things. They’re deeply satisfying.

  24. We were avid birdwatchers for many years. I don’t really understand why people think it’s a boring hobby. We drove all over California hiking and looking at birds with our son. Now that we are retired, we have taken up the hobby again. I still find it a challenge and enjoyable. A good pair of binocs is a must. Make sure they are lightweight! It’s amazing how heavy things like that get!

  25. I think these parrots are actually called red-caps. Hope you manage to get a pic. 🙂

  26. Judy says:

    I’ve been thinking about puns for this for 2 days now! I did not find the parrot in the picture – I guess it was not “apparrot” or a”pear”ant. If the parrot “leaves” it will “branch” out somewhere else and then come back. Be”caws” it probably loves being near you. I’m not sure if I have a “talon” for puns. These are pretty bad ones! Glad you’re enjoying the beautiful birds, Julie.

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