
wings and things


on July 24, 2017

Ming and I did our TEDx talk at the Bunbury Entertainment Centre a couple of days ago, and I think it went well. Ming and I have discovered that we can do this kind of presentation by bouncing off each other. This is our fifth joint presentation via radio or podcast; I think Anthony would be proud.

But I have so many doubts!

14 responses to “Doubts

  1. Anonymous says:

    Your mother’s mighty proud too!

  2. Vicki says:

    Anthony would be immensely proud of you and Ming, Julie, so why have doubts.

    Love overcomes all obstacles and doubts…… anything 🙂

  3. ksbeth says:

    that is so great, for the two of you, and i think that anthony would be very proud indeed.

  4. is it going to be available on line Julie? would love to watch it.

  5. Judy says:

    You may have doubts, but I have no doubt you did a smashingly fantastic job or opening up your heart and sharing the wisdom of what you have gone through. Bravo, Julie!!!

  6. susanpoozan says:

    I am sure that he would be proud of you both, cease doubting!

  7. tootlepedal says:

    A true artist is never satisfied with a piece of work.

  8. Please post the video!

  9. Doubts are natural

  10. You must be doing better than you think or you wouldn’t have had a second experience let alone fifth. Well done Julie and Ming.

  11. We all have doubts. The trick seems to be ignoring our doubts and doing it anyway. Trust.

  12. I bet it was fabulous. You should link it when they broadcast.

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