
wings and things

Talking about death and other things

on July 18, 2023

We absolutely have to talk about death differently; we have to ‘do’ death differently; we have to face its inevitability with our eyes wide open, instead of shying away. My dad died when I was 19; my husband died seven years ago; my mother’s best friend died a couple of weeks ago – and more and more and more people I know have died, or are dying. To the thousands of us who grieve these deaths, let’s have a chat.

8 responses to “Talking about death and other things

  1. arlene says:

    Hi Julie, welcome back. It is only now that I’ve seen your posts again.

  2. beth says:

    it is so important – death is an inevitable part of life

  3. None of us get off this earth alive, yet I think our Western society steers away from the topic of death and dying, or the process of grieving with a fierceness. I am grateful that we have grieving support groups because few people want to talk about it, or listen. It takes more than one quick chat and giving pithy sayings or shutting down the griever. You taught us so much with your writings about Anthony and probably gave many the permission to do their own grieving. I am guilty. I just keep putting off looking at my own death, though I take occasional glimpses. I just don’t want to die yet, though it is obvious that I am closer to the ending than the beginning. Have not yet planned my funeral or burial plans, put it into writing or contacted funeral homes. I have put up temporary memorials in my home to honour loved ones, written in journals and even sought counselling – all that has helped me immensely to grow through the grief.

  4. As we age we lose more people it is natural but still hard to deal with when it is someone we feel close to, death is usually not talked about which is wrong but is what it is

  5. tootlepedal says:

    I have reached the stage of contemplating mine quite frequently.

  6. Tracy Abell says:

    I’m sorry for all those losses and absolutely agree that we need to have conversations about death.

  7. tersiaburger says:

    Hi Julie. Looking forward to read your take on the elephant in the room. Working in a Hospice we are confronted by the elephant every day. How are you doing?

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