
wings and things

Love story 89 – I miss him

on August 28, 2012

The trouble is I miss him the way he was, not the way he is now. It’s okay, I tell him this to his face and he understands because he misses himself too. My Anthony – just a couple of years ago.

45 responses to “Love story 89 – I miss him

  1. dcwisdom says:

    Of course you do. Gosh, I miss me twenty years ago! How did life suddenly find us here?

  2. viveka says:

    …. now you made me … cry again! I’m sure he misses himself too …

  3. Love the pictures, thank you for sharing them. My dad had Parkinson’s and only until you go through it with someone can you understand how dreadful it is. Thinking of you both.

    • jmgoyder says:

      It is such a dreadful disease, this Parkinson’s but one blessing for us is that Ants isn’t in much physical pain. I have met some bloggers who are in physical pain and, to me, this would be worse than anything.

  4. Well you just melted my heart. Beautiful entry. Blessings to you both.

  5. bulldogsturf says:

    Yes I think we all miss the old days some more than others… but if I read between the lines I can understand why you miss him from yesteryear… but look at those photos.. the smiles of two people in love.. feel for you and the years that you miss… but the memories can never be erased… Hugs to you.. and prayers for you both…

  6. terry1954 says:

    i know you miss him my dear friend. i even miss my brother, the one he used to be………..i am so thankful we have each other to hang on to

  7. Oh Julie, I pray that you and Anthony get many more moments of ‘the way he was’ such as the smile he gave to his grand niece! Hugs. xo

  8. The two of you really have lived a beautiful love story.

  9. victoriaaphotography says:

    Glad to hear there’s not too much pain associated with Anthony’s Parkinsons. It hard enough to see the one you love deteriorate before your eyes.

    Chronic pain is not easy to endure (unless you find something very powerful to distract you).

  10. camsgranny says:

    I completely understand and I to miss the “former” days…..Hugs.

  11. Robyn Lee says:

    I know … how could you not miss the real Anthony who is really still there but gets lost within this awful disease. I am thankful too that he is not suffering physical severe pain Julie…though I know this does not make it much easier to cope with this whole thing. I think emotional and physical pain have some different, and also some similar impact on lives…. loss is just so hard any way you look at it. xxoo love to you and yours ~ Robyn

  12. I wish I could give both of you a big hug!

  13. dogdaz says:

    The slow mourning is the hard part. You say it so well. Living so many years with someone who slowly changed from what they were to the ghost of a Parkinson’s patient is one of the cruelest things I ever had to endure. And what Anthony said was exactly what I have heard from other people, not just Parkinson’s, but those who have been robbed of their strength, their youth, and their mobility…. I miss who I once was and what I could once do. It is hard to not miss what once was when it made you so happy. Pictures help remember the wonderful days of yore I think.

  14. FacetsofLucy says:

    I understand what you mean; I already miss the part of me that could go running down the street, who didn’t have to plan around the damn medicine schedule…. and I’m sure he misses the old me in a lot of ways, too.

  15. I do not know how I would cope if I was in your possition, my husband is such a huge part of my life…………..

    • jmgoyder says:

      I’m getting better at it. I hadn’t seen him for 2 days before today and it was like this amazing reunion – but lots of laughter (on my part) and no tears.

  16. Barb says:

    I hate this disease. It doesn’t make sense to me. But then, I guess, what disease does?

  17. I don’t think there are any worse diseases than those that rob you of your personality and person! Parkinson’s is as bad or worse than Alzheimer’s but with less exposure. If any disease could use better medication, it’s Parkinson’s.

  18. I too have watched a loved one change through an illness and cared for them over a long period – 12 years. It is a complicated grief process one goes through, as inwardly you are grieving for the former person, yet outwardly adjusting to and caring for the new person. The inward grief can be silent and lonely. I hope that by your blogging you are able to acknowledge your grief and find some comfort. Keep strong….

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