
wings and things


on January 29, 2013

Some people love Change and some people hate it. Change sometimes causes terrible conflicts – in relationships, workplaces, countries, and in all sorts of different contexts – when one ‘side’ embraces Change, and the other ‘side’ doesn’t.

I used to love Change until too many changes happened at once, and then I craved stability, but that got a bit boring!

So it is now back to Change again – yeeha – because Change is wonderfully malleable. You can change Change; after all, that is its nature.

I have learned that if you don’t welcome Change, it will bite you anyway – not nastily, just in a nibbly way.

Change and I are buddies again and it has been a fantastic day!

60 responses to “Change

  1. TBM says:

    I embrace change, but I feel like it has to be grounded some with a little stability otherwise all you have is chaos. And yes, change always happens, whether we want it or not.

  2. Anonymous says:

    You are absolutely right. My perspective might be a bit óff’at the moment!

  3. viveka says:

    Changes can be for good and less good – all depending on what kind of change it’s.
    But changes are getting more of a problem the older we get – at least for me … because we become comfortable. Have been moving around our globe for years and I never mind – today I wouldn’t even dream about moving inside my own town.
    So happy that you embraced your mind changes and that it resulted in a good day.
    I learned many years ago that it’s all down to ourselves if we are going to have a good day or not.
    We have to make that decision when we step out of our bed – and if we decide to have a good day and less great things happens … we can handle them so much better. Well done, Julie.

  4. yellowlancer says:

    I’m kind of 50/50. Sometimes I do, other times I resist like crazy. So glad your changes are working and you sound so happy 🙂

  5. dogdaz says:

    The only ones that like change are babies, they scream for it. The rest of us, well, being human we like consistency more. Come have a cup of coffee with me. There is a special invite just for you:

  6. victoriaaphotography says:

    Sounds good to me.

    Methinks you need to do some more things out of routine.

    (like I went to the zoo again today – just to photograph a baby elephant – wasted my time, but it was better than doing the laundry at home).

  7. I am always fascinated by how I don’t even realize I’m resisting change until it hits me — I’m resisting change — and isn’t that self-defeating! The harder I resist, the harder it becomes.

    Thanks for the reminder.

  8. No matter how good change ends up being, it’s always a little nasty at the time, don’t you think?

  9. catchatcaren says:

    From Heraclites “No man steps in the same river twice” and I know I misspelled his name 🙂

  10. cobbies69 says:

    Change is good when wanted, as I am hoping,, but stability has it’s uses as well, but like most things, in the right place and times.

  11. Gardengirl says:

    Yay for change! My favorite kind is pocket change. 😉

  12. change is inevitable–but we fight it anyway–good for you for embracing it

  13. bulldog says:

    Your words bring a smile to my face and a grin in my heart… change will happen whether we like it or not.. so to embrace it is wonderful… love this Julie…

  14. Jules as I was reading your post and all of the lovely comments; David Bowie decided to pay a visit to my brain and I have his voice in my head singing “Changes”. I love the song. Change is neither good nor bad, it is what we do with it that determines our outcome. I love the entire tone of your post, it put a smile on my face. 🙂

  15. terry1954 says:

    i have never accepted change easily. it always takes me a while

  16. cecilia says:

    Exactly, life is a funny old thing isn’t it. The ability to change is one of our most wonderful gifts! Many people don’t know that they can. You do though! I bet that sometimes you look back over your life and think who was that girl? was she from another life? and it was you! Love it! Have a lovely day c

  17. dealingwithcopd says:

    Julie, I am okay with change, a controlled change but yes change. I think your ability to embrace change helps you thru the many conflicts you have in your life and world. And I love seeing your smiling face as you do embrace change. Your one hell of a fighter. Take care, Bill

  18. Tammy says:

    wished I’d read this years ago when Change was my enemy. Would’ve helped if I’d adjusted my attitude! Thanks for nailing it, Julie!

  19. dcwisdom says:

    What an excellent, informal discourse on “change!” Great perspective, and yes, even if we don’t embrace it, it will happen anyway. Sending BIG Texas love and prayers across the waves…XO

  20. elizabeth says:

    Cha, cha, changes! Some I like, some I don’t, but like you said, they’re gonna bite anyways. 🙂

  21. diannegray says:

    I always say I embrace change – but I don’t know how I would cope if I had massive changes going on all at once in my life. You’ve done very well!!!

  22. I get so bored when things stay the same. I’m usually trying to change things myself just to counteract that. Plus, I like to be in control of the change 😉

  23. What a wonderful philosophy to embrace!

    Sometimes when we embrace change – even difficult changes – the little black cloud above the head suddenly disappears. 🙂

  24. niasunset says:

    He he he… I made a change today 🙂 my hair colour a little bit changed. I agree with you dear Julie, there is only one thing that never changes, it is “change”…. Thank you, Love, nia

  25. I have never been a fan of change, but I also know that change is part of life and at times we just have to accept it, deal with it and move on

  26. Lynda says:

    Glad you had a good day! I posted a surprise for you on my blog… Go take a look!

  27. That’s good to hear!

    I love change. My favourite change is moving house. I’m rather sad that we haven’t moved in sixteen years.

    • Next time I’m moving, I’ll be calling you to help me pack, Tilly! 😉

      I hate moving. I have moved so much throughout my life, I like to stay still for a while. And yet, I’m most often the one who decides to move, go figure!

  28. I embrace change, but mostly the type of change I want to happen, not so much the change that is forced on me by the circumstances. Change is good though.

  29. Rhonda says:

    I hear THAT! So good to hear the smile. Love it!

  30. eof737 says:

    Change is good but hard!

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