
wings and things

Anthony adventures

on February 9, 2013

It occurred to me today, while Anthony was home for the afternoon, that, instead of getting all anxious about his PDD symptoms, I/we could embrace this phase as a kind of adventure.

49 responses to “Anthony adventures

  1. would certainly put a different and hopefully better spin on all you have to go through

  2. By doing this it will produce a lot less anxiety…Good thought…Diane

  3. tootlepedal says:

    It certainly is a venture into uncharted waters which must make it a bit nerve wracking for you. I hope you succeed in your effort to embrace uncertainty. Good luck.

  4. victoriaaphotography says:

    What a great idea (and I mean that in the nicest possible way, not making fun).

    Every time I had to go to hospital or a clinic for another procedure or surgery, I used to treat it like an adventure and ask lots of questions. I used to quite enjoy them in some ways. It felt like learning something new, or being challenged to take on a difficult task. I’d always enter, prepared for the worst, and then, pleasantly surprising everyone (including the surgeon or specialist) by recovering in record time.

    Life IS an adventure. Even the very worst of adventures have their positives. Seriously.

    Imagine how boring Life would be if everything was easy and every minute, of every day, was totally 100% predictable.

    It’s easy to dread each homecoming with Anthony now, and worry that you, (or he), will be unable to cope, but after a while, you realise that you DO cope and you do survive each difficulty as it arises.

    I think you’re stronger and more resilient that you think.

  5. That’s a creative way to deal with the unknown and I think that it will do a lot to bring down the anxiety and stress. 🙂

  6. bulldog says:

    What a magnificent thought… lessons the tension and the pressure… wonderful…

  7. rumpydog says:

    That’s the hardest lesson for me…. to find the joy in the moment.

  8. Debbie says:

    Every day’s a new day, friend. Lots of things are unchangeable, so you’re good to go with the flow. Sometimes, it’s easier that way. Good plan.

  9. aFrankAngle says:

    Just wanted to make sure to stop by to say Hi Julie.

  10. terry1954 says:

    that is a good way to look at it. it sure beats anxiety!!!

  11. Anonymous says:

    That reminds me of a marvellous book someone wrote about dealing creatively with dementia – “We’ll be Married in Fremantle”, great read, recommend it 🙂 🙂

  12. viveka says:

    Brilliant …. great news! So happy for your all.

  13. Carol says:

    Your approach reminds me of a terrific book I once read about dealing creatively with dementia – “We’ll be Married in Fremantle” … Who was that talented author again?

  14. sbcallahan says:

    i think you will find this mind set quite helpful and will lead you down an easier path.. as you embraced anthony’s confusion about being at the farm a few nights ago you had begun this new adventure:)

  15. FlaHam says:

    Julie, you are forever finding ways to make it work, I am so glad it was a good day. Take care, Bill

  16. Sounds like a plane………….

  17. I meant plan not plane doesn’t sound anything like a plane………….lol

  18. camsgranny says:

    I understand this, Once we let go of the anxiety, and just deal with the realism, it makes things seem to go a bunch smoother….Your on an even keel, and Ants and Ming will be to. Sometimes our anxiety and fear create an atmosphere of unease, and everyone feels it. It’s best with the Pd/PDD to go with the flow and find some giggles…..I know it might not make sense to some, but I think you will get it….Love ya Jules!!!

  19. All of life is an adventure, isn’t it?

  20. diannegray says:

    Beautiful idea! I also think it’s great to blog about everything that happens because you’ve also got a diary of the entire experience! 😀

  21. Lynda says:

    “We’ll be married in Fremantle” I recall that too. Yes, it is an adventure, and I am glad that you are seeing it as such. Love to you and yours, my friend!

  22. eof737 says:

    That would be a great idea and it would help you relax a bit and trust the process…

  23. So Jules like. Finding something to be glad about in a tough and t rough life event..I like this out look so much. Just think of all the new adventures that are possible.

    • jmgoyder says:

      Hopefully this new attitude will work! Thanks, BB.

      • Hi Jules, I have been thinking about you & Ants this my Sunday. It came to my mind that with your creativeness and Ants dementia t you could take him on a second honeymoon.
        I believe you could create something magnificent in both your spatial planes that would feed the romantic in you both. Just because Ants has PD does not mean you two stop loving one another, or having a loving relationship. You have shown us this endlessly.
        It could be as simple as a narrative exchange between the two of you or as elaborate as you would be able to make it feasible.
        I trust you know what I mean and I am not out of line Jules. With only the deepest respect & honor do I suggest this.
        I decided I wanted to mention it rather than just think about it. 😉

  24. Great idea Julie. That is the spirit 🙂

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