
wings and things


on July 27, 2013

I think feeling happy is a bit different to being happy. Maybe this is because when you simply are happy (because your bank account, love-life, health, job, family and friends etc. are all okay) you don’t notice the happiness; you don’t appreciate it. But when you feel happy, you are noticing the fragile edges, blossoms, and sunsets of whatever happiness is and you are learning how to create it day by day by day.

Today, my happiness was hugging my baby peacock, having lunch at an Indian restaurant with my friend/niece, Jane, buying baking utensils for my new cooking phase, watching TV with Anthony in the nursing lodge whilst giving him the last of the sticky date pudding with lots of thickened cream, knowing my ma will be home soon from Scotland, riding my bike, watching ‘Undercover Boss’ with Ming, and looking forward to tomorrow’s unfolding.

pea 461

52 responses to “Happy

  1. bluebee says:

    Have a lovely day, enjoying every moment in this way πŸ˜€

  2. Wonderful post Julie

  3. Wonderful happy moments! And what a fantastic photo!

  4. viveka says:

    Happy day … tomorrow too, Julie … how great to read that you’re happy and life is good to you. So true when we are happy we notice all the gold edges in life .. that comes to us for free. Enjoy your happiness … delight yourself.

  5. TBM says:

    It’s good to enjoy the moment. Sweet photo

  6. You sound very content today. I love days like that too.

  7. I think this is quite a profound post and has truly got me thinking. When you said that you ARE happy when you have everything you need but you don’t actually notice it, it hit me like a bolt of lightning. You know, I had it all. Why didn’t I know and FEEL I had it all when I had it? And yet now, in the pit of despair, I have had the most happy of days, on my own, watching the sun come up. I have been brimming over with love and gratitude and kindness and, yes, HAPPINESS. It is so true, that when one touches life’s fragile edges, one feels and notices everything around and feels happy. .
    A MOST inspiring post Julie. Love it. Thanks.

  8. All good reasons to feel happy πŸ™‚

  9. janeslog says:

    Glad to hear you are feeling happy. Hope your mother arrives home safe. Did she go to the Castle, Palace of Holyrood and Princes Street Gardens?

    The weather was very good while she has been here but although we found it very warm I suppose coming from Australia it was quite cool for her!

  10. feeling happy is much more connected to the world and the people in it

  11. Reblogged this on On the Homefront and commented:
    Feeling happy is much more connected to the world than being happy–Julie says what I have been trying to say…………….

  12. Colline says:

    Lovely photo of the peacocks. They sure look happy and loving πŸ™‚

  13. How extraordinarily wonderful! Isn’t it amazing that the simplest of things can render us into the happiest of feelings? Have a very happy day Jules! πŸ™‚

  14. Reblogged this on The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap and commented:
    Great post on the difference between feeling happy and being happy. Wishing all my friends a day filled happy feelings.

  15. For me, it doesn’t get any better than this, those moments that I do feel all the many incredible things that bring joy to my innards. Wishing many many more for you and your family.

  16. Nice photo. Gutsy on the right?

  17. gita4elamats says:

    So beautiful – picture and sentiment! πŸ™‚

  18. It’s the little things, isn’t it, Julie? Beautiful pictures.

  19. What a wonderful description. Your happy looks pretty wonderful.

  20. Robyn Lee says:

    These 2 look very “happy” to me!! And your afternoon sounds super happy to me too Julie!
    So much love, Rx

  21. Debbie says:

    Good perspective. That is one of the longest sentences I’ve ever read, I think. πŸ™‚

  22. seeker says:

    I’m happy that there is a female peacock. I posted a story about having no female around two male peacocks in Naramata. May I keep a copy of the picture credit to you?

    Of course.

  23. Office Diva says:

    Beautiful photo. I like this; the difference between feeling happy and being happy. Similarly, there is a big difference between being “in love” with someone, and loving someone. Being in love speaks of the beginning of a relationship and that wonderful “falling in love” portion; while loving someone is a choice that happens when that wears off and you decide to stay, because it’s still pretty awesome even without the fairy dust. :O)

    Nice work.

  24. Sounds like a happy day for sure. Love your choice in photos – the peacocks even look happy!

  25. I had never thought about the difference. Thanks for the post. Keep up the Happy.

  26. jensine says:

    I think we can be happy and still have unhappy moments … ob be unhappy and smile

  27. tootlepedal says:

    That is a very reasonable list of things to be reasonably contented about. I look forward to pictures of interesting food created by your new utensils and of you on your bike (photographed by Ming).

  28. Terry says:

    I loved your explanation of Happy, I love the days when I can feel happy

  29. Judith says:

    Sounds like a good day to me! Hope you enjoy many more.

  30. “noticing the fragile edges” — what an exquisite description, Julie–may you have many more *happy* days….

  31. Judy says:

    You inspire me! Find joy and happy moments when there are stressful times is such a blessing. Your realizations are so beautiful!

  32. kanzensakura says:

    It sounds like you are having a lovely day. My grandmother told me years ago when I was just having totally bored and fractious kind of day, as I sat on the porch steps while she was shelling peas and I whined, Ninny, I’m just not very happy today. She shelled a few peas and then in her quiet voice she drawled, honey, happiness is a choice. Joy is a gift. Make your choice – be unhappy or come here and let me hug you while I enjoy the gift of joy.

    I’ve always remembered that. She was a truly wise lady.

  33. May your day be one of joy and happiness.

  34. Tatsat says:

    That is a remarkable thought! Thanks to Paulette, I happen to have come across your post.
    Would be coming around more often now πŸ™‚

  35. Lucy says:

    Love your living in the moment reminder! Thanks for sharing and have a great day!
    Lucy πŸ™‚

  36. Rhonda says:

    I totally get the difference between ‘being’ and ‘feeling’. Not always easy to achieve the first, but will always, always, bless the days that hold the second…love ya U

  37. What a glorious post!

    I loved your differentiation of being versus feeling happy. So would that mean that ‘feeling happy’ is the more empowering state in our lives. A state over which we exercise control by being mindful of our present and taking responsibility of your thoughts and actions.


  38. FlaHam says:

    Julie, thank you for such a wonderful post, I have always known of the difference, but never really realized the difference. And they are profoundly different, and you can have one without the other. Take care, Bill

  39. tersiaburger says:

    It sounds as if you are at peace. I am glad you are having some good days! Hugs my friends!

  40. janechese says:

    That is a good day in my books. I like “Undercover Boss” Like the difference between “being” and “feeling.”

  41. funny but i feel happy knowing you are finding happiness:) big hugs to you my friend!

  42. Beautiful! Sending you thoughts of endless feelings of happiness.

  43. WordsFallFromMyEyes says:

    Feeling happy/being happy – never really paused on it.

    Love Indian food though.. happy πŸ™‚

  44. Lynda says:

    Going backwards in time…

    I know how this ended. 😦 I’m sorry.
    However, I am so glad that you are having wonderful days in spite of ‘tomorrow.’ Did that make sense?


  45. Denise Hisey says:

    An astute distinction…
    Thank you for this great reminder about what’s really important.

  46. elizabeth says:

    Isn’t is awesome when we have days like that. So glad you got to feel happy. πŸ™‚

  47. […] Goyder @ JMGoyder with her post: Happy. Β I’ve been following Julie, her family and a rescued baby peacock for some time. Β Her […]

  48. adinparadise says:

    What a lot of happy moments you’re having, Julie. Your peacock is absolutely gorgeous. πŸ™‚

  49. love, love, love this line: But when you feel happy, you are noticing the fragile edges, blossoms, and sunsets of whatever happiness is and you are learning how to create it day by day by day. I’m so glad David Kanigan sent me your way!

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