
wings and things


on September 6, 2014

I have decided that it is way too long since I have met up with someone who I used to be closer to, but have lost touch with. This is entirely my fault, as she is always there, no matter what.

Tomorrow, my plan is to surprise her; my alarm is set for 5am so that I can catch a few moments with her before she goes on her daily journey. I hope she will remember me and the good times we used to have. I hope she will say yes to me when I ask if we can be friends again.

Her name is sunrise.

19 responses to “Reunion

  1. artfulanxiety says:

    I miss the sunset. Living in the apartment I always saw it, now I only get fleeting glimpses traveling from here to there. Know how you feel.

  2. Great idea… (I hope she’s an early riser ha!) Diane

  3. Great blog, love the background too, I have been blogging since 2008 and I got hacked so when you go to my blog it’s only like six months old now, bummer since I lost all my other data. Jackie πŸ™‚

  4. That was so beautiful, who could say no to you Jules. πŸ˜€

  5. What a beautiful post to awaken to, Julie. Now that ours days are growing shorter, it is easier to greet sunrise. :).

  6. Rhonda says:

    Beauty Jules…hope you two had a warm visit. xoxo

  7. i have seen her many mornings as i go to bed and she has asked about you:) i think she has been waiting for you to remember her. i don’t think she takes it personally as many do not catch her before she begins her day in earnest! lol hugs and kisses with love my friend

  8. I am an early riser and these are, to me, the best hours of the day. I love to sit with my coffee, watching the sun rise and hearing the birds waking up. Enjoy your reunion!

  9. ksbeth says:

    wonderful!!!!!!!!! and i’m sure she’ll welcome you back into her light with open arms, she’s like that.

  10. Ahh sunrise, I know her too! Enjoy your visit with her and say hi for me Julie!
    Diana xo

  11. dogdaz says:

    Yes, she has been waiting for you.

  12. janeslog says:

    There is nothing as good as watching sunrise and sunset.

  13. tootlepedal says:

    Good luck with that.

  14. Hey Julie! She is a friend of mine as well. She always is warm and inviting and she never lets me down. I tell you what. I will say hello to her tomorrow and then send her your way, about three hours later. Does that sound OK?

  15. I bet she is anxiously waiting for you. I hear she’s pretty awesome like that. πŸ™‚

  16. Terry says:

    This was an awesome post!!!! I was thinking some female and so loved the surprise ending!!

  17. tersiaburger says:

    Sunrise and I are not friends. I am definitely a night owl. Enjoy your reunion!

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