
wings and things


on October 8, 2015

‘Ago’ is a word I have never thought about until this afternoon. Now, I miss ago.

Lately, I haven’t been able to find the right words to describe Anthony’s condition as it ebbs away. A few days ago, he was so incredibly, cheekily, the Ants from many years ago; the next day he was like someone comatosed; today, as I left, he asked me to get four pieces of steak for tea.

Physically, he and I both cope well. After all, at the moment, Ants has very little physical pain, and me being a young girl (ha!) of 56, driving from farm to town to see him is not a big deal.

One of the many lovely staff at the nursing home sent me this picture of Ants during an animal visit activity. Thank you so much Chloe!


This has inspired me to take Blaze (mini-dachshund) in to see Ants tomorrow again. Blaze (son of Inky 2 and Doc 4) will remind us of once ago.


20 responses to “Ago

  1. ksbeth says:

    yes, once ago. bittersweet.

  2. shoreacres says:

    I came across this article recently, and thought of you. It reminds me of so many issues you’ve talked about, and also presents some interesting insights into the role of care-giving.

  3. Great picture Jules! Hugs xxoo

  4. I have seen people who are in Geri-chairsand not able to feed themselves reach out to pet a visiting pet or to touch and hold a baby. Thank God for pet therapy and visiting daycares, babies. Nice to see this smile on Anthony’s face, too. And thank God for people like Chloe.I just finished a book by Lisa Genova called “Inside the O’Briens”about a family coping with Huntingtons disease. She also wrote the book “Still Alice.” It shows me that there is a nee for fiction or non-fiction books about people coping with disease. So keep on with your book about Anthony and your family, Julie.

  5. Tiny says:

    It’s a peculiar word, indeed. It evokes memories, often good ones…and I’m sure Blaze will happily do the same.

  6. Your posts are inspiring Julie. I am sure you are helping many in similiar situations, and giving them strength to know they are not alone on this journey. šŸ™‚

  7. tootlepedal says:

    There is no ha! in being young at 56. That is young believe me.

  8. So sweet. I’ll bet Ants really loved the animals.

  9. OMG…is that a pig. I love that they bring pigs!!!!!

  10. Look how happy Ants is in the photo – I love it! ā¤
    Diana xo

  11. Sweet photo with the dog. So poignant.

  12. PS oh! A little pig!

  13. Terry says:

    What a lovely photo. That was so nice of the staff to produce that to you. When Ants isn’t looking, those are the best shots of all. Hugs

  14. artfulanxiety says:

    Animals can be wonderfully healing. Great idea, I’m sure he’ll love it šŸ™‚

  15. not so long ago i was working and able to go where i wanted and do what i wanted. it was nothing to run in to town or off to another state for a vacation. now i rarely drive myself and it’s a big deal to go get my hair washed. i know that my family and friends are going through the same thing you are. they must think of how i was not so long ago. thank you for sharing your side of this. it helps me tremendously.

    sending you big hugs and love to you and your boys:)

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